How to Check Tripura Land Record by Name
Land records are important documents that provide information about the ownership, boundaries, and value of a piece of land. In Tripura, land records are maintained by the Revenue Department.
There are a few ways to check land records in Tripura by name. One way is to visit the office of the Revenue Department in your district. You will need to provide your name and the name of the land you are interested in. The officials at the office will be able to provide you with a copy of the land record.
Another way to check land records in Tripura by name is to use the online eJAMI portal. The eJAMI portal is a government-run website that provides access to a variety of land records information. To use the eJAMI portal, you will need to create an account and provide your name and other personal information. Once you have created an account, you can search for land records by name.
The following steps will show you how to check land records in Tripura by name using the eJAMI portal:
- Go to the eJAMI portal website.
- Click on the “Login” button.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click on the “Land Records” tab.
- Click on the “Search by Name” button.
- Enter the name of the land you are interested in.
- Click on the “Search” button.
The eJAMI portal will then display the land record for the property you have searched for. The land record will include information such as the name of the owner, the plot number, the size of the land, and the market value of the land.
In addition to checking land records by name, you can also check land records by plot number or by mouja number. To check land records by plot number or mouja number, you can use the search bar on the eJAMI portal.
How to Check Tripura Land Record by Name
2. Offline
You can also check land records in Tripura offline by visiting the office of the Revenue Department. The Revenue Department offices are located in all districts of Tripura. To check land records offline, you will need to provide the following information:
- Your name
- The name of the property owner
- The district, sub-division, revenue circle, tehsil, and mouja where the land is located
- The khatian number and plot number of the land
The Revenue Department office will then provide you with a copy of the land records for the property.
3. Land Value
You can also check the market value of land in Tripura by visiting the official website of the Revenue Department. The market value of land is determined by the Revenue Department based on a variety of factors, including the location of the land, the size of the land, and the type of land.
To check the market value of land in Tripura, go to the official website of the Revenue Department and click on the “Land Valuation” tab. The website will then display a map of Tripura with the market value of land for each mouja.